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Mission Trip Update Letter from Doug Jones

Read a testimony from Doug Jones, a recent mission trip participant!

Dear Friends,

Visiting Japan was an exciting experience for me. At 69 years old, this was my very first mission trip and I did not know what to expect. Japan is a wonderful country with lots of friendly, polite and energetic people. Most of whom are in need of a Savior. I love the culture and I love the Japanese people!

Meeting a returnee in Osaka

I enjoyed visiting the GLOW returnees. I wanted them to feel the love Christ has for them through me. I wanted them to feel valued and not forgotten even though they have moved back home and are so far away from their GLOW Family here in the states.

My visit taught me there is much work to be done there in regards to spreading the Gospel.

Our last day I felt sad knowing we were leaving when there is so much left to do. I am looking forward to returning someday...if it is God's help grow God's Kingdom.

In Christ,

Doug Jones

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